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I am

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i create

More than a cool logo, a trendy color palette and a legible font, branding conveys a promise, a personality and  the experience one can expect from you.

Your website, social media posts and every pdf or powerpoint you share is already sending a message to your audience. Is it memorable and relatable? Cohesive and dynamic?  Endearing and engaging? Is it attracting and retaining the right people?

Great branding — once reserved for big business alone — is available to you. Let's talk about leveraging the power of succinctly and aesthetically communicating your mission, service and product to your intended audience.


sample work


i write

Words matter. Chosen properly, they can inspire, influence and ignite a response. Chosen carelessly, words can frustrate, confuse and lose the people you want to attract. I write two types of copy: marketing and inspirational messages.


Copy for marketing, advertising and social media influence and activate people to engage with your brand.


Copy for inspiration invites people into poignant, soul-stirring conversations. These stories teach Biblical truth, plant seeds of hope and ignite hearts for Jesus.

let's chat

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©2021 Diane Hoover. All rights reserved.

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